No Rain! No Rainbows!*

No rain! No rainbows!  This maxim of Kimo resonated with me, ever since the first time I saw it on the back of a tee shirt on the island of Kauai.  Kimo’s words express a very profound observation about life.  His words have always meant for me that many aspects of life are binary.  For example, we cannot have good without evil.  We cannot appreciate life without an understanding of death.  Light cannot exist unless we have dark.  Simple observations, but profound nevertheless.  

Another way to express this thought is that life is symmetrical about the Y-Axis for those of you with a mathematical bent. On one side of the axis, the values are positive. On the other side, they are negative.

I believe we forget Kimo’s maxim at our peril. Too often, we expect life to be only one way, which often is not possible. In practical terms, we should try to maintain a positive attitude, but we must always be prepared to handle whatever comes at us in life. Sometimes, life can be horrific.

How we handle whatever life throws at us is probably the only aspect of life we have total control of.  Character does count after all.


*Kimo’s Rules

1. Never Judge A Day By The Weather; 2. The Best Things In Life Are Not Things; 3. Tell The Truth–There’s Less To Remember; 4. Speak Softly And Wear A Loud Shirt; 5. Goals Are Deceptive–The Unaimed Arrow Never Misses; 6. He Who Dies With The Most Toys–Still Dies; 7. Age Is Relative–When You’re Over The Hill, You Pick Up Speed; 8. There Are Two Ways To Be Rich–Make More Or Desire Less; 9. Beauty Is Internal–Looks Mean Nothing; 10. No Rain–No Rainbows

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Andrew J Guinosso

Professional Writer and Published Author of "The Success Playbook for Everyone." Retired Business Executive, Entrepreneur, and Restauranteur