What will be the full accounting of your life?

What will be the full accounting of your life?  What will be your legacy? I was sitting this morning having a bowl of cereal as I finished reading a wonderful little book written by Bernie Brillstein. The book title is “The Little Stuff Matters Most.” The last chapter had a cartoon that showed an old man with a white beard and a pair of binoculars; he was making check marks on two sides of a ledger: One column read “Generous, Big-Hearted Guy” and the other read “Cheap B**tard.” When I read the headings, I laughed out loud, but then it got me thinking, and it prompted the title for this blog post.

I sat there for several minutes and wondered what the legacy of my life would be. How will my family, friends, and business colleagues view my life? Have I have done more good than harm?  That is my perception. One never knows for sure.

Here are questions for you, dear reader, to ponder and reflect upon. Have you made a difference in the lives of other people? Have you made people laugh and smile? Have you made people happy? Have you been a generous person with your time and your money? You may also ask the opposite types of questions as well: Have you been mean-spirited and unkind? Have you been dishonest? Have you lied and cheated people? These questions are merely representative, there are hundreds we can ask ourselves, but somewhere around eight or ten questions will provide an accurate profile of your life.

A Call for Action

It is never too late to change and to begin making a positive difference in your life, in your family, in your community, and in America. You can start at any age.  Why wait?

I offer the following thoughts to you as a way to frame your life.  The first is more complex: What do you want your legacy to be?  The second requires fewer words, but it is still extremely challenging: What do you want to be written on your tombstone?

Both questions should focus your mind wonderfully!

Internal Link:  https://whitebeardwisdom.com/awareness-know-thyself/

External Link:  https://theasianantiquarian.com/

Share The Ideas! Share The Wisdom!

Andrew J Guinosso

Professional Writer and Published Author of "The Success Playbook for Everyone." Retired Business Executive, Entrepreneur, and Restauranteur