America Did Not Autocorrect Frequently Enough

America did not autocorrect frequently enough in its history, if at all, in my opinion. We should have been autocorrecting, as a nation, every two or three years or so.

Let me offer a bit of context and also explain what I mean by autocorrection.

A Bit Of Context And Perspective

Over the last 100 years, laws were passed by the House and the Senate that were egregiously bad policy. We only have to look at two historical periods to see examples that abound. First, the Great Depression and the policies of President Roosevelt to counteract it, and, second, the “guns and butter” policies of President Johnson during the mid-1960s. Autocorrection should have been almost immediate, but it never happened at all.

With the clarity of hindsight, we should have scrapped many of these laws after the fact. The American people should have pushed back and raised their voices in concert against their passage. Primarily, because the laws did not reflect the thinking of most Americans and, in many cases, contravened the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution.

We failed to do so and now we are stuck in an impossible situation, economically, socially, and politically.

America is faced with challenges so great that they are beyond the comprehension of most of us, whether we talk about repairing our infrastructure, initiating a renaissance of our culture, or dramatically reducing our national debt. And, these are only three that come readily to mind. The list is too large to enumerate.

A Lesson For Everyone On A Personal Level

I am not sure we can repair quickly the damage done at the national level, because that will be the work of two or three generations. However, there is a lesson here for everyone on a personal level. We, all of us, should be self-correcting on a frequent basis. That is something that is in the control of everyone.

I believe that Jordan Peterson (see note) is spot on regarding personal autocorrection. We can focus on restoring order and integrity in our own lives and perhaps that will set an example for those at the top. One can only hope.


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Andrew J. Guinosso


Note: Jordan Peterson is the author of “12 Rules for Life,” which is available on I highly recommend it.

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Andrew J Guinosso

Professional Writer and Published Author of "The Success Playbook for Everyone." Retired Business Executive, Entrepreneur, and Restauranteur