What Are The Steps to Inner Peace? (A Repost)

What are the steps to inner peace? When I look around me, I see that this question takes on existential importance because we need peace on so many levels in our world today. The road to world peace begins with inner peace for everyone.

How is this to be achieved? Well, an excellent start is a small booklet that Peace Pilgrim wrote entitled (serendipitously enough) “Steps Toward Inner Peace.” Her little booklet is only 32 pages long, but it contains a veritable compendium of peace wisdom. Peace Pilgrim outlines her journey in a three-tiered approach. I cannot add any real value to her words, so I will let them stand as she wrote them, except to use parallel constructs and personalize with possessive pronouns whenever a statement requires it.

Four Preparations

Assume right attitudes toward life.

Live good beliefs.

Find your place in the life pattern.

Simplify your life to bring inner and outer well-being into harmony.

Four Purifications

Purify your bodily temple.

Purify your thoughts.

Purify your desires.

Purify your motives.

Four Relinquishments

Relinquish your self-will.

Relinquish your feeling of separateness.

Relinquish all your attachments.

Relinquish all your negative feelings.

A Call to Action

I strongly recommend you obtain Peace Pilgrim’s booklet and read it many times over until her words become part of your vocabulary and your daily actions.  This approach is easy to set forth, but the execution of these ideas may take months or even years.  I welcome you on that journey.

Internal Link: https://whitebeardwisdom.com/visualizing-world-peace-is-a-waste-of-psychic-energy/

External Link: https://www.peacepilgrim.org/

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Andrew J Guinosso

Professional Writer and Published Author of "The Success Playbook for Everyone." Retired Business Executive, Entrepreneur, and Restauranteur