Triadic Thinking Or Learning To Think In Threes

Triadic thinking (or thinking in threes) is a handy method for evaluating decisions and recommendations.  I have used this approach during my corporate career when presenting proposals and projects to my company’s top leadership team.  I commend it to you for review and use.

What Is Triadic Thinking Or Thinking In Threes?

In straightforward terms, triadic thinking or thinking in threes uses three criteria to assess recommendations or to rank alternatives.  An example will help clarify the concept.

When you assess recommendations or rank alternatives, use the simplest ranking possible, such as High, Medium, or Low.  These types of descriptors are necessarily value judgments, but they should be based on experience or empirical evidence in the main.  If you use multiple evaluation criteria, you can use three levels to describe each criterion: High Impact, Medium Impact, Low Impact or Very Cost-Effective, Cost-Effective, Less Cost-Effective, or any similar differentiation.  The criteria and the description levels can be arrayed in a simple matrix for comparison purposes and ease of presentation or understanding.

Using Triadic Thinking In Other Aspects Of Life

We may also use triadic thinking for other areas of life outside of business.  I have used it to formulate a simple Triad of Life for myself, which I presented in my booklet: “The Success Playbook for Everyone.”  That overall triad of life comprises Success, Significance, and Legacy.  Another example might provide additional clarity to the idea.

When I reflect on my life, I have tried to break down my life into three major ideas.  What brings me the greatest joy?  What am I truly passionate about?  And finally, what do I consider my life purpose to be?

The answers to those three questions now come to me quite readily.  Those answers constitute a powerful and quite profound second triad for my life, as follows:

  • Reading Is My Joy
  • Writing Is My Passion
  • Service to Others Is My Purpose

A Personal Call To Action For My Readers

Sit quietly for an hour in a darkened room with a pen or pencil and a pad of paper and reflect on those three questions: What is my joy?  What is my passion?  What is my purpose?

At the end of the hour, write down the answers to those questions in three simple statements.  Also, write those answers in your journal and on a small index card you can carry.


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Andrew J Guinosso

Professional Writer and Published Author of "The Success Playbook for Everyone." Retired Business Executive, Entrepreneur, and Restauranteur