Sneaker Nation

I wonder as I look around and think to myself: Why has America become a Sneaker Nation? I do not mean sneaking around and doing bad things. I am talking about what I see around me as I visit various cities on the West Coast.  Admittedly, my sample size is still quite small, only five cities so far, but I do see a trend.

My perception is that almost everyone I see is wearing sneakers, men, women, and children. Of course, the sneakers range from high-end, stylish ones to your run-of-the-mill running shoe to black, red, or white Converse basketball sneakers, but all sneakers nevertheless. Oh, I do see the odd person here and there who is wearing sandals, flip-flops, or hiking shoes. However, I would estimate that 90 percent of the people walking around are wearing sneakers of some kind, and it doesn’t matter the nationality or ethnic background.

The fad has even migrated to European countries, which are the last bastions of fashion left in the Western World. The evidence is not yet in from South America, Asia, Africa, and Australia but I suspect they will be following suit, no pun intended.

Dress shoes for men and high-heels for women have gone mostly the way of the dodo bird, except for special occasions, like a wedding or a serious birthday celebration at one of the famous urban restaurants or watering holes.  Moreover, casualness has also reared its ugly head in fashion as well.

I remember when we had dress-down Fridays and people came to work dressed casually on the last day of the workweek. Now, the dress code has moved down the food chain for almost everyone and for every day of the week. The most ubiquitous business attire is now business casual, which to my mind is casual, but certainly not business. I remember walking around San Francisco back in the day and everyone was “dressed to the nines.” Now they are barely dressed at all and the highest number they may reach is “dressed to the threes.”

Jim Rohn once famously remarked that “Casualness leads to casualty.” I think he meant that if we become too casual in our thinking, working, and doing, we will make mistakes, and sometimes egregious ones. Sneakers and casual dress for all occasions are a sign of the times. Let’s hope it doesn’t portend more serious consequences for our culture and way of life.  After all, there are times we must be serious and dress the part.

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Andrew J Guinosso

Professional Writer and Published Author of "The Success Playbook for Everyone." Retired Business Executive, Entrepreneur, and Restauranteur