Is It True? Is It Kind? Is It Necessary?

Is it true, kind, and necessary?

Three Profound Questions

Is it true, kind, and necessary?  Three profound questions to ask yourself before you get ready to say something to another human being or about another human being. Too often, we open our mouths and forget to engage our hearts and our minds. Perhaps it is because we see and hear so much nonsense on television and radio, and view so much uncouth and rude behavior in movies.

When I was growing up in Philadelphia back in the 1940s and 1950s, we had a saying our parents used to chastise us with, to wit: “Monkey see, monkey do.” That little mantra has now morphed into “Monkey sees and hears, and monkey follows suit in spades.” People cannot seem to help themselves.

The Root Cause

I would submit that the root cause of much of this bad behavior is the entertainment media. Most Americans spend too much time watching television and too many streaming movies of very little redeeming value. All this nonsense continues to dumb down our culture. At some point, our culture will disappear or will become so coarse and vulgar that all standards of civility will be lost.

The road back to some semblance of courteous behavior is a long one. However, it is an easy one to begin and can start with each of us. I will leave you with four of my favorite quotes from my journal to help guide you and the words you desire to speak now and in the future.

Four Quotes to Ponder

Again, is it true, kind, and necessary?

“Among my most prized possessions are words that I have never spoken.”—Unknown

“Wise men say nothing in dangerous times.”—John Selden

“Remember, the universe is the echo of our words and deeds”—Unknown

“Never tell evil of a man if you do not know it for a certainty, and if you know it for a certainty, then ask yourself, ‘Why should I tell it?’ “—Unknown


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Andrew J Guinosso

Professional Writer and Published Author of "The Success Playbook for Everyone." Retired Business Executive, Entrepreneur, and Restauranteur