Here Are Two Rules of Life We Should Use Daily

Here are two rules of life we should strive to use every day. Many useful rules or guidelines have emerged over the years in business and life. I have found these two to be of more than passing value. I call them Rule#1 and Rule#6. Let me explain them in reverse order.

Rule#6: Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously

I first came across Rule#6 in the story about the British businessman who became a first-term Member of Parliament.

On his first day on the job, the MP was approached by one of his staff with a letter to sign with some sort of budget analysis. The MP told the staffer that he would review the papers at his leisure.  The staffer assured the MP that he (the staffer) had reviewed the documents and that everything was in order. The MP repeated his statement, and as the staff man was leaving the office, the MP said to him that he should not forget Rule#6.

The staffer paused at the door and asked what Rule#6 was.  The MP responded: Don’t take yourself too seriously.  The staffer acknowledged what the MP had said but paused again and asked what the other rules were.  The MP smiled and said for effect, “There are no other rules.”  But of course, there are.

Rule#1: Never Tolerate Disrespect From Anyone

This rule seems to conflict partially with Rule#6, but in reality, it does not.  I regard Rule#1 as the first law of human behavior.  On the one hand, we should never disrespect anyone for any reason, regardless of their relationship to us.  Similarly, we should never tolerate any disrespect from family members, business colleagues, or friends.

We must all learn to defend ourselves by speaking out when someone attempts to treat us with disrespectful words or actions. My favorite way to handle this is to use the phrase that Dr. Watson once said to Sherlock Holmes. It is classic: “That comment (or action) is unworthy of you.” This phrase is both a compliment and a condemnation at the same time.

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Andrew J Guinosso

Professional Writer and Published Author of "The Success Playbook for Everyone." Retired Business Executive, Entrepreneur, and Restauranteur