Common Sense Has Left The Auditorium

Common sense has left the auditorium, just like Elvis. How is possible that so much nonsense is being spread in our country and no one in the mainstream media or in political leadership pushes back and says, “Hold it, buster, where’s your proof?”

Younger Generations Have Lost Respect For America

America is a nation founded on common sense, self-reliance, and individual freedom, as well as other principles and values articulated by the Founders. In the generations under 30 years of age, understanding and acceptance of these principles, as well as emotional respect and love for America, have all but vanished like a pad of butter on a hot grill.

From my vantage point, I see so many Americans who are either afraid to speak out because of public violence they see on television or they buy into the nonsense because they want to appear “woke,” to feel good about themselves, or to virtue signal. All of these latter three ideas contravene what, in my mind, it means to be a seeker of truth and an engaged citizen of America. Young people and the wannabes cannot have it both ways; the real world does not work that way.

I have a dear friend who is the daughter of a good man who worked for me in Saudi Arabia. This friend who is probably in her 50s sent me a longish email message to inform me that she is conducting an online truth and reconciliation forum for “white-identified” people who wish to atone for their “white privilege.” How is it possible for this woman who has an undergraduate degree and an MBA to come to a place in her life, where she believes that she must atone for her accomplishments? I wish I could convince her that this is not the best use of her time; however, that would not be the best use of my time.

Irrationality Abounds In America

Irrationality abounds in America and has gone viral in our culture.  And, there is no likelihood of a vaccine being discovered to combat it. How will the current situation play out in America is anyone’s guess. My guess is the ending will not be pretty and we will all be asking, “How did we let this happen?”

A Call To Action

If you are sitting on the sidelines, you might want to consider getting in the game.  If we do not turn this situation around, sooner rather than later, America will become a  socialist nation, because too many Americans thought it couldn’t happen here.


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Andrew J Guinosso

Professional Writer and Published Author of "The Success Playbook for Everyone." Retired Business Executive, Entrepreneur, and Restauranteur

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Cheri Rhodes

    Dear AJG,
    This is an excellent piece of writing. Very succinct and right on target. Keep up the great work.

    1. Andrew J Guinosso

      Thank you for your kind words.

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