A New Desiderata for the 21st Century (A Repost)

I wrote A New Desiderata for the 21st Century as a tribute to Max Ehrmann who wrote the original Desiderata in 1927.  The first time I read the Desiderata I was in my early 30s and I remember thinking it was a remarkable piece of writing.

On July 28 of last year, I sat down at my desktop computer and wrote A New Desiderata for the 21st Century in one stream of consciousness in about two hours.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.  If you wish to buy a copy, I have it for sale on the Books & Products page.

A New Desiderata for the 21st Century  

Remember that each day is a wonderful gift from God.  Treasure each day as you would a precious jewel of great value.

Seek to maximize your life by leading a life of purpose and authenticity.

Strive to balance your life each day.  Live according to your values and beliefs.

Be open to change, which includes being open-minded and having a willingness to see the world through the eyes of another.

Forgive everyone for all real and imagined hurts and forgive yourself as well.

Strive to love yourself and your neighbor.

Live your life with courage in the face of all trials and tribulations.

Make your luck by being prepared.

Have an attitude of gratitude.  Be grateful for all that you have in your life at present.

Do not waste time because time lost is gone forever.

Bring joy to your life and to the lives of others.

Be loving, caring, kind, and compassionate towards everyone.  All of us are companions on the journey.

Sit and observe as much as you can and try to understand the inner life of others.  Learn from the lessons that life presents you.

Listen twice as much as you speak because there is much wisdom to be gained from everyone, even those who seem lost or foolish.

Each of us has a story.  Sadly, some stories are more tragic and difficult than others.

Be of great cheer most of the time because there is order in the Universe and God watches over us.

Eliminate ego satisfactions from your life as much as possible.  Control your thoughts and purge negativity and blame from your words and actions.

Constrain your ego and seek counsel from the elders and the wise.

If you have been given great gifts, then your contribution to the world should be comparable.

Seek truth and wisdom for the benefit of yourself and others.

Become a lifelong learner and help others to understand the wisdom and traditions of the past.

Use your wealth wisely and give to those less fortunate than yourself.

Strive to add value to the lives of others.  Seek a just and ordered life.  Be disciplined and prudent in your actions and words.

Sustain your love of personal freedom because we are the caretakers of our own lives.

Avoid those who would sow hate, discord, and anger.

Grow old gracefully and recognize that there is great value in becoming an elder.

Remember this great truth: We are human beings first, last, and always.

Outbound Link: https://theasianantiquarian.com/

Internal Link: https://whitebeardwisdom.com/books-products-2/

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Andrew J Guinosso

Professional Writer and Published Author of "The Success Playbook for Everyone." Retired Business Executive, Entrepreneur, and Restauranteur