Three Ideological “Viruses” More Dangerous Than COVID-19

I believe there are three “viruses,” ideological in nature, that are more dangerous than COVID-19 in combined effect. All three have egregiously harmed America. They are progressivism, postmodernism, and political correctness. And, the most curious aspect of these ideological “viruses” is their interconnectedness.

When I think about the consequences of these “viruses,” I compare them to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Conquest, Death, Famine, and War. The Four Horsemen have caused terrible human and physical destruction in our world. But, the three ideological “viruses” have scarred America’s soul and psyche, and eroded our understanding of truth, socially, politically, and culturally. Each of these “viruses” cries out for a longer, separate blog post. I hope to write such posts over the next few weeks. Consider this a heads-up and stay tuned.

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Andrew J Guinosso

Professional Writer and Published Author of "The Success Playbook for Everyone." Retired Business Executive, Entrepreneur, and Restauranteur