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How To Use The 80/20 Rule In Managing Or Leading

The 80/20 Rule applies to many aspects of life and business as I have written in an earlier post. One of the most effective ways to use the 80/20 Rule in any organized work or sustained activity comprises three rules of the road. These three rules are summarized below.

Rule #1: Spend 80% Of Your Time With Your Top Performers

As a leader spend 80% of your time with the 20% of your people who accomplish 80% of the value-added work. The time spent with these individuals is most effective on a one-on-one basis.

These 20% are usually easy to identify. They come early and stay late, never miss a deadline, and under-promise and over-deliver.

Rule #2: Spend 20% Of Your Time With Your Low Performers

As a leader spend 20% of your time with the 80% of your people who accomplish the remaining 20% of the value-added work. The time spent with these individuals is done as a group and not one-on-one. This larger group self-identifies as well, based on their performance and results.

Rule #3: Learn To Work Shoulder-To-Shoulder

Learn to work shoulder-to-shoulder with your top performers most of the time. Many tasks and projects are more easily accomplished when a leader or manager works with his or her team at their side rather than across the desk or table. So, if you are working on a presentation, a legal brief, or an ad campaign, for example, sit shoulder-to-shoulder. Synergy will result and the accomplishments will be quite extraordinary.


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Andrew J Guinosso

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Andrew J Guinosso

Professional Writer and Published Author of "The Success Playbook for Everyone." Retired Business Executive, Entrepreneur, and Restauranteur