What Were Your Dreams And What Are Your Dreams Now?

What were your dreams as a child or teenager and what are your dreams today as an adult?  Each of us has had one or more dreams that perhaps have gone unfulfilled because of circumstances or because we took a different road than we expected to take. Only a fortunate few have a crystal-clear vision of where they were headed or where they are heading. Now is the time to correct that in part.

I believe that the COVID-19 pandemic will be a net positive for America on many different levels and from many different perspectives.  How so?  Here is just one. I think our sheltering-in or self-quarantining provides an opportunity to reflect deeply on our lives. We can do this regardless of our age, status, or occupation. I can equate this sheltering-in to almost a mini-sabbatical.

Let me also offer two other related perspectives.

Dream Stealers

Sadly, in life many of our friends and family steal our dreams. Not directly, of course, but by their negativity or apathy. We all need support in pursuing our dreams, regardless of whether they are consequential to society or important only to us.

Enemies on The Journey 

Anyone who obstructs your path or pushes you off your path is, in reality, your enemy.  They are not evil people, and they may not even do this consciously.  Nevertheless, they are still your enemy.  We must always be aware of the effect our friends and families have on us.  Be ever vigilant and on the lookout for dream stealers and enemies on the journey.

A Simple Call To Action

Try this exercise on three or four days during your sheltering-in.  Find a darkened room or a secluded closet and sit quietly in a chair for 15 to 20 minutes.  Relax your mind and body, and reflect on the dreams you have had during your life.  Have a pad and pencil or pen by your side, and take notes of the ideas and thoughts that come to you.  Transfer these written notes to your journal.  Use these notes to create an action plan to bring you closer to your dream or to get you back on track to achieve your dream. 

External Link:https://theasianantiquarian.com/

Internal Link:  https://whitebeardwisdom.com/category/thoughts-from-the-peanut-gallery/

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Andrew J Guinosso

Professional Writer and Published Author of "The Success Playbook for Everyone." Retired Business Executive, Entrepreneur, and Restauranteur