Tuesdays With Tu Bears …

Tuesdays with Tu Bears.  Our weekly meetings for coffee and conversation have become a refuge for the two of us. Tu Bears is a Native American woman, whom I first met in Reno back in 2003.  She is a seer and a spiritual guide, a writer, and an artist.  I am a retired corporate executive, businessman, and restauranteur.  She writes about spiritual topics and ideas, and I write about success, personal development, and self-help.  We are kindred spirits, and we want to leave the world in a better place.

Tu Bears has children and grandchildren about whom she is concerned. I have nephews, great-nephews, and great-nieces, who are the children and grandchildren of my oldest brother, Peter. They occupy my attention.

We met yesterday at Walden’s Coffee, located on Arlington Street in Reno. Typically, we meet at 8:30 am, or 9:00 am. Our conversations are usually open-ended. In the last few weeks, we have been focusing on social media tools and how to reach a greater audience in cyberspace for our blogs.

A Landmark Meeting

Yesterday was a landmark meeting for us. After we settled in with our coffees, Tu Bears told me about a recent experience she had with two of her clients. She used the phrase “egotistical and emotional attachments” to describe these two women. She went on to explain what causes these attachments and why these attachments cause so much harm in our daily lives. She saw these egotistical and emotional attachments as belief systems we get stuck in, or to put that another way, they become who we think we are.

We went on to discuss other topics yesterday morning, but I came back to this phrase Tu Bears had used. I realized how important these concepts are. Also, I thought her ideas about breaking these attachments and healing people were even more important.

An Outbound Link to Tu Bears and a call to Action

I told Tu Bears I would write a brief post on egotistical and emotional attachments because of their importance. I did not want to steal her thunder, though, so I asked her if I could link my blog post to a URL for her. She readily agreed. I highly recommend that you follow her at the outbound link I have included. I know you will find her writings of great interest, especially her thoughts on “egotistical and emotional attachments” and their healing resolution.

Outbound Link to Tu Bears: http://tubearsblog.com

Internal Link: https://whitebeardwisdom.com/the-consequences-of-ideas/

Share The Ideas! Share The Wisdom!

Andrew J Guinosso

Professional Writer and Published Author of "The Success Playbook for Everyone." Retired Business Executive, Entrepreneur, and Restauranteur

This Post Has 2 Comments

    1. Andrew J Guinosso

      Dear Letisha,
      Thank you for your comments and your wishes for positive energy. You are most kind.
      Best regards.

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