White Beard Wisdom

What Is The Purpose Of Life?

What is the purpose of life?  That simple question is probably one of the most challenging and thought-provoking ones we can ask ourselves and others?  A close friend of mine who is struggling with her life queried me regarding this all-important question the other day in a casual conversation.  I had been reflecting on that question and other related ones for several days prior to her asking it, so I had an answer that I was quite comfortable with.  I told her that I believe the purpose of life is two-fold, at least on one level.

The first purpose is unique to every human being and is linked to the gifts or talents that God has given each of us; this purpose is inner-directed.  The second purpose is our relationship with other human beings and is outer-directed.  I would like to expand on both purposes so that I clarify what I mean by these two statements.

Every One Of Us Is Responsible For His Or Her Own Development As A Human Being

Every human being is unique and is born with special talents and gifts.  God has blessed each of us with not only the gift of life but also with many skills and capabilities.  Some of these we use from a very early age in our life.  Others we develop over our lifetime.

So, the first purpose of life is for each individual to make the most of these talents and to maximize his or her own life.  We can become fully-developed human beings in service to ourselves and to others.  In simple terms, we can maximize our lives 24/7/365.  What a magnificent gesture!

Every One Of Us Is Called To Do As Much Good As Possible In Our Life On Earth

This second purpose is perhaps even more challenging than the first.  I liken this purpose to being like the Good Samaritan of biblical fame.  This purpose requires that we become aware and observant of our surroundings and the things happening around us.

We have many opportunities during the day to do good as I have written elsewhere in these blog posts.  The Boy Scouts have a motto that applies here: Be Prepared.  The good that we do each day may have a cascading effect in our community or society, just like the flutter of a butterfly’s wing may have far-reaching effects.

Three Quotes To Reflect Upon

“Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.”–Jim Rohn

“The purpose of life is not to be happy.  It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”–Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others.  And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”–The Dalai Lama

A Simple Call To Action

I encourage all of you to reflect on these two simple life purposes and use them daily to guide your lives, actions, and thinking.  There really is no telling how much good you can accomplish as a result.


Internal:  https://whitebeardwisdom.com/happiness-is-a-journey-not-a-destination/

External:  https://theasianantiquarian.com/

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