White Beard Wisdom

The Numbers Tell Us The Whole Story

Length: 395 Words Reading Time: 1 Minute 30 Seconds

One of the exceptional skills to possess is what I term numeracy skills. Numeracy skills represent the ability to understand numbers and numerical relationships—how they are generated, what they mean, and how they affect our everyday lives.

Here are some numbers that cause me a great deal of worry. These numbers are our reality, and if we do not rein them in and curtail their growth, it will become a life or death scenario for America.  We must have a strategic plan to mitigate these debts

The primary source of this data is the US National Debt Clock website. I urge everyone to visit the site once and to study it very carefully.

  • US National Debt: $22 Trillion and climbing
  • Debt Per Citizen: $68,000
  • Debt Per Taxpayer: $182,000
  • US Federal Spending (Actual): $5.1 Trillion and climbing
  • US Federal Budget Deficit (Actual): $1.1 Trillion
  • US Federal Debt to GDP Ratio (Now): 105%
  • Medicare/Medicaid: $1.1 Trillion
  • Social Security: $1.03 Trillion
  • Federal Pensions: $286 Billion
  • US Gross Domestic Product: $21.3 Trillion
  • US Population: 320 Million
  • Total Unfunded Liabilities: $125 Trillion
  • US Total National Assets: $155 Trillion
  • Number of Government Employees: 24 Million
  • US Homeless: 554,000

The magnitude of these numbers borders on the incomprehensible.  Here is the most important fact to understand, though, a trillion dollars is a thousand billion or the number one, followed by 12 zeros.

I, for one, am greatly concerned by these numbers.  On a personal note, I will not have to deal with them, but they concern me still.  Conversely, Generations X, Y, Z, and their successor generations will have exceedingly tough sledding ahead of them.  The time to deal with these numbers and their increasing growth is now because their growth will not be stopped unless we, as a country, take drastic measures.  The most serious problem I see is the following, that the 535 members of Congress, for the most part, have no numeracy skills of any consequence. Too many of them are lawyers, and they are unable to comprehend the magnitude of the problem.

America needs a strategic plan to deal will all these numbers. To put our collective heads in the sand is unconscionable. If your representatives or senators do not want to address these national financial issues, then vote them out of office. Vote in someone with the understanding and commitment to take action on a priority basis.

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