White Beard Wisdom

The Choice Is Ours To Make


The American political system needs to be turned upside down and re-engineered. Over time, the State (the Federal and State governments) has become the most egregious enemy of the people. We no longer have a representative democracy in America, let alone a constitutional republic. Those individuals in elective office have become a law and a power unto themselves. We the People has become just a phrase that Americans use without any meaning or substantive power. The Washington Post often opines that “democracy dies in darkness.” From my vantage point, there is no true democracy in America to die.

An Action Plan Of Sorts

Here are several political actions that are necessary for America to survive as a sovereign nation in the 21st Century. Most of the actions are strategic in nature and will take at least two generations to accomplish. I am reminded though of that most relevant quote, to wit: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” If we do not start soon, we may not have a country left to change.

Simplify the processes used by House and the Senate to sponsor, formulate, and approve legislation

The legislative process has become a lumbering behemoth with archaic procedures, rules, and structures. Very little of any substance and value is accomplished, and introducing C-Span television coverage has revealed how many of our elected representatives are knaves, charlatans, and doofuses. They are clearly not the best and brightest. And, of greater importance, the legislation initiated and passed by the two houses of Congress does not reflect the thinking of We the People in the very least.

Rethink and evaluate our foreign policy goals and objectives from a strategic national interests perspective

America’s foreign policy has become confused, muddled, and incoherent. Too many mistakes have been made by the foreign policy establishment since World War II. Moreover, the State Department has become a bloated organizational monster that adds little value, clarity, or substance to America’s position in the global community. I saw this lack of competence and leadership, up close and personal when I was the Senior Warden for Aramco in Saudi Arabia during Gulf Wars I and II.

Eliminate the influence of political parties to the maximum extent possible

Political parties have become an albatross around our nation’s neck, and they have become corrupted and corrupting structures. As citizens, it is our duty to stand up to both political parties and not allow them to violate their oaths of office. It is called accountability.

Require each senator and representative to develop and document in writing a two-page summary of his or her political beliefs, ideals, and principles

If they (all individuals running for public office at the highest level) cannot accomplish this simple action, then they are not suitable candidates for elective office. If they are currently in office and cannot deliver such a summary, then they should be voted out of office. The key point here is that our 535 representatives have to stand for a set of principles, either left or right, that is clearly stated and that represents an actionable line of march, directly linked to their constituents.

Create the necessary laws to implement term limits for senators and representatives

A reasonable limit for a senator should be one term of six years. Two years to learn the rules of the road, two years to make a definite contribution, and two years to see how the legislation plays out. If an individual cannot make a value-added contribution in six years, then they do not deserve to be a public servant. Any senator or representative that votes against term limits should be voted out of office at the next opportunity. For representatives, six years or three two-year terms on the job should be enough. If senators and representatives serve longer than six years, then they become easy targets for corruption and they focus more on getting re-elected than they do on getting something meaningful accomplished.

Reduce the number of committees, the size of the committees, and the scope of their responsibilities

Senators and representatives waste too much time as members of committees that often merely serve as a platform for bloviating, pontificating, and political grandstanding. The committees should be kept as small as possible, say, 6 to 8 members. Every committee meeting that is called by a committee chairperson should be required to specify the objective and purpose of the meeting, what the committee hopes to accomplish, and what level of priority is attached to the calling of the committee meeting. No one on either side of the table should read any prepared statements. The purpose of these meetings should be discovery and fact-finding. The questions to be asked should be documented, before the fact, for all to refer to and the answers given should be factual, accurate, and clearly stated; all transcripts should be published or placed on the Internet to be read by the American people if they wish to.

Revitalize the American middle class on a priority basis

We must revitalize the middle class of our country by providing manufacturing jobs. We can do this by returning 80 percent of the critical supply chains back to America. No country of any consequence can survive without a vital and vibrant middle class. America must become self-sufficient again, especially energy-independent. This latter point is a matter of survival.

Simplify legislative bills and the processes used to formulate and bring them up for approval

The American people must require that legislative bills be simplified in language and that the number of pages is reduced dramatically. No legislative bill needs to be longer than 100 pages. And, of the greatest importance, we must ensure that all legislative bills be restricted to one substantive issue or national priority and not turned into a catch-all for pork-barrel nonsense.

Eliminate lobbyists from the political process

The Constitution states that grievances should be redressed if they occur. I do not believe that the Constitution meant grievance before the fact. If an individual is harmed by a law, then he or she should take the necessary actions to right that wrong. The righting of any wrong should be completely transparent, implemented expeditiously, and be specific to an individual or a company.

Streamline and re-engineer the criminal justice system in America

The criminal justice system has become cumbersome, inefficient, and overly dependent on plea bargaining of the worst kind. It has become a business that does not provide justice to anyone, with the exception of those individuals who can afford excellent legal representation. We have a two-tier justice system in America and that has to change. It should be and must be one system for all, regardless of wealth or power.

Eliminate the Federal Reserve and re-engineer the monetary system with a new system design that reflects the needs and requirements of the 21st Century

The Federal Reserve was created in 1913. This organization is actually owned by the country’s largest banks and is not a federal agency. The Federal Reserve is the source and cause of most, if not all, of the financial and monetary problems that have occurred since its founding. This issue of monetary reform is probably the highest national priority that we have before us. Without a sound, deflationary currency, not a fiat currency, no country can truly prosper long-term and provide a strong foundation for creating wealth for its citizens.

The Way Forward

The only way forward for America (in my opinion) is for individuals at the local level of governance to start a grass-roots action program to implement change at the community level, the city level, the county level, and even the State level. We can force change upward.

We need to take back our country from the political elites. Politicians will never take the necessary actions to right the Ship of State. We the People must take on that herculean task. I am all in, even in the last eighth of my life. Are you?


 If this long post resonates with you, please share it with ten or more people in your online network. Then start your grassroots action program.


Andrew J Guinosso

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