White Beard Wisdom

Restoring The American Creed!

Restoring the American Creed* to a place of honor in our society requires that we first understand what the American Creed comprises.  That understanding is not easy to wrap our minds around because the American Creed encompasses a number of ideas that historians and intellectuals have debated since the Founding of our nation.  That debate continues to this day and our understanding has become even more obscure, even for the historians steeped in America’s history.


One of the 16 topics that I included in my blogging website, WhiteBeardWisdom.com, is “What Makes America, America?” I chose this title because I wanted to write about what makes America unique and, yes, exceptional.  America is unique and exceptional—but not perfect—because it was founded on ideas about self-government that were not popular at the time or even understood by other nations or cultures.  

I believe all Americans struggle with these questions, especially the young people in Generations X, Y (the Millennials), and Z.  We struggle because we have lost a deep understanding of the Founding.  Most Americans simplify the Founding to a series of concrete events (for example, the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776) and do not pay much attention to the many ideas that were discussed and validated during the Constitutional Convention and the subsequent ratification process by the 13 original colonies, soon to become sovereign states.

The American Creed

I believe the American Creed comprises a number of ideas and principles that were explicitly recognized during the Founding or that were implicit in the writings and deliberations of the Founders.  The ones that come readily to mind from my various readings are the natural or inherent right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (as set forth in the Declaration); equality; individualism; the rule of law; justice; order, self-reliance, individual freedom; the right to privacy; opportunity for all; and private property.  I may have missed a few but these will suffice as a reasonable start.

Next Steps

America, at present, is going through some tough times.  One way through these tough times is to remember the ideas that constitute the American Creed.  Restore the American Creed to a place of respect in our culture.  Focus on these ideas, practice them with integrity, and be proud to be an American. 

Quotes to Ponder Or Reflect Upon

“Nowhere at present is there such a measureless loathing of their country by educated people as in America.”—Eric Hoffer

“The history of this country was made largely by people who wanted to be left alone….”—Eric Hoffer


External:  https://theasianantiquarian.com/

Internal:  https://whitebeardwisdom.com/what-makes-america-america/


I borrowed the term, American Creed and the related terms, from Charles Murray who made reference to it in his book entitled: “Facing Reality.” 



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