White Beard Wisdom

Mueller Muddies The Waters Further

Length: 443 Words     Reading Time: 2 Minutes

This post will be reasonably short. I continue to be disappointed, as well as astounded, by the statements regarding collusion and obstruction that Mr. Mueller presented in his nine-minute press conference and farewell to Washington.  He also stated that “the report speaks for itself” and he does not plan on testifying to Congress.  He is wrong on both points.  The Mueller Report is a poorly-written and murky mess.  And, of the greater importance, he will not escape testifying in front of the House and the Senate.

Any right-thinking man or woman who steps back from the emotion and nonsense should be able to see things more clearly.  There are so many major and minor questions left unanswered that any seeker of truth would balk at Mr. Mueller’s approach and rationale.

1. Who wrote this report and when was the report started and when was it finished?

2. Who decided on the information to be included and how it would be presented?  Was this a unilateral decision or was a team consensus sought?

3. Why is the report so long, especially given that the purpose of the investigation was to recommend to indict or not indict? 

4. When did Mr. Mueller know that there was no evidence of collusion?

5. Why was the report not written with clarity in mind, rather than obfuscation?

Those five questions are just the tip of the iceberg.  There are hundreds of more serious questions that remain unanswered.

I will leave you with three final thoughts, namely:

1. The so-called Mueller Report is misnamed or mistitled. I would wager that Mr. Mueller wrote nothing in the report, and perhaps, he did not read most of it.

2. Any team leader or project leader must be personally responsible for the written results of his or her study, review, investigation, etc. and must necessarily be quite familiar with the written content.  I suspect that Mr. Mueller could not respond to a single, substantive question regarding either Volume I or Volume II.  I believe that is why he is afraid of testifying before the House and the Senate committees.  He can run, but he cannot hide. 

3. There is an old maxim in management consulting that states and I paraphrase, “If you cannot dazzle them with your brilliance, then baffle them with your b***s**t.”  A corollary to this old maxim is “…if you have nothing worthwhile to say, then say it in as many pages as possible to discourage reading.”  This 448-page report was unnecessary, and it wasn’t meant to be read; it was an exercise in form over clear substance.

President Trump, our country, and you and me deserved better.

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