White Beard Wisdom

It Is Time To Reclaim Our Personal Sovereignty

The time has come to reclaim our personal sovereignty, our individual liberty, and our personal privacy, as individuals, citizens, and human beings.  This task of reclamation will not be an easy one to accomplish, however, because there are formidable powers marshaled against us.  Powerful individuals, organizations, and institutions, with the best of intentions, believe they know what is best for the 7.8 billion individuals on the planet.  I am astonished by the arrogance of power that this mindset demonstrates.

Human beings have battled for individual freedom and personal sovereignty for thousands of years and that battle continues to this day.  At present, the battle has become ever more sophisticated and secret though.  Personal autonomy and privacy have both been lost, incrementally, since the end of World War II.  This loss has been significantly accelerated with the widespread adoption of the Internet in the late 1990s and the rise of social media platforms and other apps created by Big Tech companies, such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon.  These companies know more about us than we know about ourselves, and they have monetized this information without sharing any of the revenues or proceeds with us.  This fact alone should be a red flag of warning for all.

The time has come to counter this continuing encroachment on our personal sovereignty, but not with violence though.  We must oppose these egregious political and societal shifts with strong grassroots movements at the local political level and a seriously-critical vetting of those individuals who run for public office.

America has become de facto dystopian.  If we do not reverse this tectonic shift now, then something far worse than Orwell’s 1984 will result.  For me, that is a future too horrific to contemplate.


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