White Beard Wisdom

Is America Losing Her Soul?

Is America losing her soul? At present, and based on what I see across America, I have to answer yes.

Today, I see rioting in several cities on the East and West Coasts and in the great cities of Chicago and Minneapolis in the Midwest. These protests disturb me greatly because they destroy property and hurt innocent people. Yet, no one cries foul or cease and desist, other than a limited mention on talk radio and Fox News.

I also see the rise of false memes from unknown sources. Memes such as systemic racism, white privilege, defund the police, and so many others. These memes gain traction in our public discourse, and I cannot understand why they are given any credence at all. Again, no one cries, “Wait a minute; what’s going on here?”

The 2020 Presidential Election

Finally, and probably the most egregious issue that faces America is the result of the 2020 Presidential Election. Let’s look at the numbers with a simple percentage analysis.

Seventy-four million (actually 74.2) citizens voted for President Trump, and 81.3 million (plus or minus) voted for Mr. Biden. We still do not have a full and accurate count, even though the election was 47 days ago.

The Council of Foreign Relations reported that 159.6 million people voted in 2020. Of this number, 78.3 million voted for President Trump (74.2 million) and independent candidates, such as the Libertarian Party candidate, Jo Jorgensen. In percentage terms, the voters for Mr. Biden totaled 50.93%. The voters against Mr. Biden and for President Trump and other candidates stand at 49.07%.

Recently, Mr. Biden made a speech for unity across party lines in which he also said that the American people have spoken. What a ludicrous statement to make when we look at the percentages, as noted above. Factually, only 51% of Americans voted for Mr. Biden, and 49% voted for President Trump and other candidates. Fifty-one percent is not a mandate or a landslide by any measure. If Mr. Biden fails to understand this, then he is in for a rude awakening, especially if the Republicans retain the Senate.

Will The Soul Of America Survive The 2020 Election?

Was the 2020 Presidential Election fair and free of fraud and serious irregularities? The answer to that question will be a long time coming because such investigations will take time. What happens to the soul of America if the answer is yes?  That is a terrifying thought.


Internal:  https://whitebeardwisdom.com/why-would-anyone-vote-for-joe-biden/

External:  https://theasianantiquarian.com/

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