White Beard Wisdom

The Fourth Letter to My Millennials: Do Not Live In A Universe Of One!

Length: 230 Words     Reading Time: 1 Minute

My dear Misunderstood,

It is has been a while since I last wrote to you, my dear millennials.  My apologies for not keeping to my writing schedule as initially planned.  I was diverted by writing on my other blog topics.

This fourth letter will be quite short, though, but I believe it will be most meaningful for you.  I want to offer one piece of advice to you that will stand you in good stead as you advance through your life and career, and, that is, “Do not live in a universe of one.”  What does this mean?  Let me explain from two perspectives.

First, our world is a complicated place. The population of the planet is over seven billion people.  Each one of these individuals is your equal in terms of their importance as a human being. I believe that once we human beings realize the universe does not revolve around us, then we can call ourselves adults.

Second, although I have stressed the importance of being an individual, I must also point out that we are members of a family, a community, and a nation.  As a member of these different groups, we also have responsibilities and duties.  Therefore, we have to balance our lives as individuals with the responsibilities and obligations as a member of society.  Please remember this crucial counsel.

With great affection,

Old White Beard

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