White Beard Wisdom

Change Your Thinking! Change Your Life!

Change your thinking and you can change your life! It really is that simple. The thoughts that we have throughout the day affect the value that we take from each day. As I have written in other posts and in my small booklet (The Success Playbook), it pays to create a positive mental attitude.

I believe that creating and sustaining a positive attitude will translate into a much richer life for anyone. Maintaining a positive attitude can be done but it requires discipline, awareness, and the ability to control your thoughts.

Here is a simple phrase that I use when an unwelcome or negative thought enters my consciousness. I just say to myself, “Stop that thought now!” Taking such a simple step and using this phrase is always extremely effective.

A second routine I use is to say a simple prayer every morning to our Heavenly Father. “Heavenly Father, please bless this water I am about to drink and let it purify my soul, mind, body, spirit, thoughts, and actions. Just for today, I want to eliminate all blaming, all complaining, all negativity, and all gossiping.” This is a powerful routine to adopt to start off each day.

I also encourage everyone to focus on what he or she wants in life. Focus on harmony, abundance, and wealth and never their opposites. If we feed the subconscious mind with positive thoughts and images, then positive results will be forthcoming.

Jim Rohn’s Triad Of Questions

I remember a wonderful triad of questions that Jim Rohn presented in his personal development seminars. These three questions will cause you to reflect on the types of people you choose to be your friends or associates:

  • Who are my friends and associates?

  • What are they doing to me?

  • And, is that okay?

If you do not answer these questions with positive responses, then perhaps you might want to minimize or eliminate those relationships from your life.

Life is really too short and time is too precious to waste on people who do not bring out the best in you or support you in a positive way.


Internal:  https://whitebeardwisdom.com/product/the-success-playbook-for-everyone/

External:  https://theasianantiquarian.co

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