White Beard Wisdom

Attitude Is Everything

Length: 249 Words     Reading Time: 1 Minute

A business colleague once remarked to me, or maybe it was a bumper sticker that I once saw that “Attitude Is Everything.” I believe a positive mental attitude is the key to success in life, and it pays big dividends to err on the side of optimism. Both Napoleon Hill of “Think and Grow Rich” fame and Wallace D. Wattles, author of “The Science of Being Great,” wrote about the critical value of a positive mental attitude, as did Charles F. Haanel in his book, “The Master Key System.”  Mr. Hill often referred to PMA, his acronym for a positive mental attitude, in many of his books and other writings.

A positive mental attitude weaves its way through much of what is written in “The Success Playbook for Everyone,” either explicitly or implicitly.  Check yourself several times during the day and ask yourself: Are you expanding or contracting?  Are you moving forward or moving backward?  Are you focusing on the positive or the negative?  Eliminate all blaming and complaining statements and all negativity.

It also pays to associate with others who are optimistic and positive.  Optimism is infectious (but so is pessimism), so choose your friends and associates carefully.

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Call to Action: Today, check yourself several times during the day and record your mental state or mindset.  Record your thoughts regarding your results for the day in your journal.  Strive to make the day free of all negativity.

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