White Beard Wisdom

America Requires A Unifying Event . . .

America requires a unifying event to prompt a move towards national unity. Contrary to conventional wisdom and mainstream media’s demands for President Trump to unify us, no president or politician can unite America on his or her initiative.

We are the United States, but that is in name only, in my opinion.  In my view, we have lost many of the values, traditions, and rituals that united Americans at the highest level of civic action and discourse.  We must fight to get those back.

America is Diverse in the Extreme 

Our country is diverse in the extreme.  America contains Texas, California, Hawaii, and Alaska, and these four states are as different as cheese and chalk, as the British are wont to say.  The other states are equally diverse in their cultures, traditions, and beliefs.  We are 50 sovereign states, and there is no way around that.  Sure, there is a commonality, but it always has been tenuous at best because the main driver in America was the freedom to live as we wanted.  Individual freedom was and is the key to the American Dream.

“E Pluribus Unum” translates from the Latin as “out of many, one,” but that phrase means just one nation.  And, at present, America has over 320 million citizens and non-citizens, and maybe even more if there were a way to account for the population of illegal immigrants fully.

In times past, the immigrants who came to America wanted to be an American first and foremost, as did my four grandparents.  Immigrants left their homeland in the 19th and early 20th centuries because they sought the American Dream.  They would have the freedom to strive for success in their lives on their terms.  Never before in history has such an opportunity been offered to so many.

America’s History

If we look back in history over the last 80 years, only two incidents in American history unified our county. The attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 was the first such incident. The second was the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.  Those two events catalyzed national patriotism and cohesiveness on a grand scale.  Americans also pull together when the need arises, when natural catastrophic events occur.  We respond because we are a generous people.  Probably the most generous people in the world if we measure it by the charitable contributions Americans make worldwide.

Our New Unifying Event and Call to Action

I believe we can demonstrate unity more directly at this time of divisiveness in our country.  Let us use the impeachment inquiry that is before us as a unifying event.

Here is my call to action for all American citizens across the fruited plain, as well as all those others who want to be part of the great American Experiment.  Fly an American flag nonstop above your front door or on your car.  Show that you love your country and support President Trump.  Be proud to be an American.  Do not be afraid to fly the symbol of our country.  Do not buy into the nonsense that we see around us.

Are you up to the challenge?  I certainly hope so.

Outbound Link to The Asian Antiquarian: https://theasianantiquarian.com/

Internal Link to What Makes America, America?:   https://whitebeardwisdom.com/what-makes-america-america/

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